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Tara Lakesh MEd

During her teenage years, Tara discovered her inherent ability to perceive and engage with energy fields. Throughout her twenties, she dedicated herself to extensive training in bioenergy and yoga, ultimately obtaining  a Master's degree in teaching. While employed as a high school teacher, she also taught yoga and meditation as a hobby.


Upon relocating to Canada, Tara broadened her expertise by delving into Chinese Medicine and Counselling. Holding a Diploma of Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and another in Clinical Counselling, she skillfully merges counseling with her intuitive capacities. Tara employs diverse energy modalities to assist individuals in releasing trauma embedded in the Meridian system and psyche. Utilizing the positive psychology framework, she aids clients in cultivating resilience.


Her personal health challenges served as a guiding force, propelling Tara to expand her knowledge and empathetic understanding, particularly for those grappling with chronic health issues.


Tara's proficiency extends across various energy modalities such as Bioenergy, Reiki, Access Consciousness, Awakening Dynamics®, and M.E.D. (Master Energy Dynamics).  Tara is  a certified Awakening Dynamics Advanced Practitioner and Ambassador. She has also received non-violent communication training and has served as an instructor in this specialized field.


Over time, Tara has crafted her own unique energy modality, leveraging her innate clairvoyance gift as the foundation for her sessions. By combining this with her diverse skills, she creates a transformative experience, offering clients a positive and uplifting framework to easily integrate into their daily lives.

Wowza! This stuff works! The questions are off the charts in depth covering all aspects of any issue. Double that with Tara’s intuitive sense and ability to see things. We were able to tap in to all the faceted aspects of some childhood trauma that we were able to shift and lighten my load on. Then we were able to bring in an energy so I felt totally loved and supported.

                                                        Anara V.

My sessions with Tara have been deep and transformative. A couple of years ago I lost the use of my right arm. I just woke up one day with a frozen shoulder. It was incredibly painful, but even more than that it was scary as I had no idea what caused it. Combining her own intuitive abilities and the belief work Tara released the pain and restored full mobility to my arm – in just one session! Since then my arm and shoulder have been perfectly fine.  I am so grateful to Tara for the work her and I have done together. Her style and process is unique and the results profound and lasting.

                                  Pia M.

I have been a client of Tara's for a few years now. She has been so comforting, welcoming and open to any topic that arises without judgment. She offers amazing insight and perspective that helps me work through the trauma I suffered from. After working with her on my mental health I feel like a different person in all the best ways. I highly recommend Tara!”

                                                                Amy V.


Tara is on a hiatus from working with clients 1:1

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