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Melinda Meszaros PhD

I have a diverse background that initially centered on research in molecular biology and neuroscience. My focus was understanding gene regulation during development and in mental disorders. I earned a MSc in Molecular Biology and hold PhDs in Neuroscience and Educational Psychology. The topic of my Psychology dissertation was on unconscious judgement and decision making foreshadowing the work that I do now. I also spent many years advocating for and trying to help and understand neurodiverse gifted children.

Through personal challenges I realized that science didn’t have all the answers and I started to explore alternative healing modalities and the spiritual aspects of existence. Healing diets, cleanses, meditations and reading have deepened my understanding of the mind body connection.

Becoming a Reiki Master and a Deeksha giver provided me with first-hand experience in using energy to assist others, and my intuitive abilities began to surface and expand. My passion for transformational work was truly ignited when I discovered Awakening Dynamics®.

After becoming a certified Awakening Dynamics® Advanced Practitioner and Teacher, I further developed and expanded the technique and the way it is practiced and taught. It has become a distinct modality called Transformational Energetics, which I now both practice and teach.


In addition to the codified process of Transformational Energetics I use my strong intuitive abilities and understanding of psychology to bring about rapid and effective transformation in my clients.

I sought out Melinda’s help because I had a very hard time dealing with one of my relatives, who is rude, argumentative, and inconsiderate. In one session Melinda changed the energy around this relationship and I was able to handle a long visit by this person with complete calm and detachment. None of the physical symptoms that appeared during her past visits were there, and I was able to rise above all the mayhem she caused around her.


        When I started working with Melinda I felt as if my world was falling apart. A lot of unexpected things happened, including my father’s death. To my greatest surprise I was able to process the guilt and grief associated with it very quickly. As we kept working in weekly sessions, my relationship with my sons improved greatly, my anxiety about workplace related things lifted, my victim mentality completely disappeared, and my muscle pain decreased enough to no longer need pain killers. I feel very grateful to Melinda for bring about so much positive change in my life and looking forward to much more.


Since I started to work with Melinda my relationship with my family improved significantly. My conflicts with my husband, who is mentally ill, stress me out less, my sons recognize and appreciate my work in and out of the house much more and are now willing to help out around the house a lot more. In general, I feel more respected and appreciated.


Before working with Melinda, I was continuously in victim mode. I lacked self confidence and was not able to even believe that I could achieve the things I wanted. As a result of this work I am less anxious and stressed out. I finally started to believe that things can go my way, and a few things I doubted would happen fell into place. It was an incredible feeling to witness the results of this energy work!


What does a session with me look like?

      I address every issue on two levels:

  • Most time is spent on working with the subconscious mind. We identify and shift subconscious beliefs and programs, clear traumas, energetically realign relationships, release trapped emotions then establish a foundation for new possibilities in my client’s life. The core of this transformational work is done using the techniques of Transformational Energetics with the incorporation of the aspects of the Emotion/Body Code if needed.

  • I also work with the conscious mind through coaching, helping clients see things from different angles, help them rephrase and envision their situation differently.

  • In addition to the technical energy work I rely both on my understanding of psychology and intuitive abilities to help clients achieve the results they seek

Logistics and Pricing 

There are a few different ways we can work together. My preference and the default is via my private Zoom room, but FaceTime, WhatsApp, or Signal video also work. I believe there is great benefit to seeing each other during the session, but if that makes you uncomfortable the sessions can be done via audio only as well.

Sessions are generally 60 minutes with the exception of the first one where we need more exploration and getting yo know each other. The first session may run up to 90 minutes.

The number of sessions needed is highly individual. Simple issues, such as procrastination with a specific project or soured relationship with a friend can often be resolved in one session. Long-standing issues require several sessions, and at times work over a few months. 

Although I am able to work as proxy, I believe it is very beneficial for clients to do their own muscle testing. You can learn a form of finger method or the use of the pendulum from this video.

Please remember, especially if you're dealing with physical symptoms, that Transformational Energetics complements but does not replace medical treatment.

Cancellation policy:


Life happens and sometimes it may be impossible to keep your appointment. If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment  please contact me as soon as possible at


Appointments missed without 24 hours advanced notice will be charged.

Single session       $300

Sessions are 60 min with the exception of the first one, which may be up to 90 min

Payment is due by 48 business hours prior to your appointment


If you live in Canada contact me for additional forms of payment

3-session package      $750

Sessions are 60 min with the exception of the first one, which may be up to 90 min

Payment is due by 48 business hours prior to your appointment

If you live in Canada contact me for additional forms of payment

6-session package      $1200

Sessions are 60 min with the exception of the first one, which may be up to 90 min

Payment is due by 48 business hours prior to your appointment

If you live in Canada contact me for additional forms of payment

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